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Improve operations with
multimodal analytics

Optimize the performance of your visual assets using multimodal analytics. Understand the contents of an individual video as well as your entire visual dataset.

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Content Analytics

Unlock your visual content with multimodal analytics.

Are there more images like this? When did this trend start? Who is uploading images like this? These questions can be answered with a SQL query directly in the Coactive UI.

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Optimize Content

Combine your video content with engagement metrics to build a rich view of content performance.

Provide recommendations to the business, producers, or end users that will help them create more of what’s working.

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Prepare visual data for your analytics environment

Add robust metadata to your visual content to enable multimodal analytics in your preferred tool – business intelligence tool, cloud data warehouse, or spreadsheet.

Insights from Coactive can be made available wherever your team does analytics.


Powered by Coactive’s Multimodal Application Platform

When metadata creation is automatic, simple, and fast your media management systems can deliver greater value.

Coactive's model-agnostic approach allows you to choose the right foundation model for your business.

Fine tune your models to understand your unique taxonomy.

Focus your developers' time on the last mile of application development.
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Coactive Resources

Learn more about how Coactive can help you unlock your visual content with multimodal AI.

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Webinars & Events

Meet the Coactive team in-person or learn with us at online events.

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Coactive Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news and insights on multimodal AI.

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Head to our docs for in-depth, easy-to-understand guides on our APIs and SDKs.

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