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Power-up your search

Integrate your system with AI-powered, tag-free search,
effortlessly locating every pixel, video frame, and dialogue.
Experience precise multimodal search.

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Icon: searching a tag

Content Discovery

Unlock your visual content with multimodal search.

Leverage natural language prompts, image prompts, or a combined approach to make your searches more intuitive and accurate.

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Icon: content enrichment

Define your domain-specific context

Teach Coactive your unique enterprise taxonomy.

Customize your models to understand your team's specific terms and phrases, ensuring results that match the context of your organization across videos, audio, and images.

Coactive UI returning correct results based on Sports, Dynamic Angle, and Outdoors
Icon: search

Integrate multimodal search with your existing systems

Integrate Coactive with your Digital Asset Management (DAM) or Media Asset Management (MAM) systems to create a streamlined asset management workflow.

Enrich assets with robust metadata and provide a powerful search experience so users in marketing and product can always find what they need.

Illustration showing Coactive at the center of integrations
How it works

Powered by Coactive’s Multimodal Application Platform

Transform your search capabilities with multimodal AI, bringing unparalleled efficiency to your media discovery process.

Coactive's model-agnostic approach allows you to choose the right foundation model for your business.

Fine tune your models to understand your unique taxonomy.

Focus your developers' time on the last mile of application development.
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Coactive Resources

Learn more about how Coactive can help you unlock your visual content with multimodal AI.

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Webinars & Events

Meet the Coactive team in-person or learn with us at online events.

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Coactive Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest news and insights on multimodal AI.

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Head to our docs for in-depth, easy-to-understand guides on our APIs and SDKs.

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