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February 2, 2023

From altered bebop to algorithmic bias: Keertan’s interdisciplinary approach to coding and the mission at Coactive AI

Understand how creative and interdisciplinary thinking is valued at Coactive AI
Coactive team members sharing a drink together after work in a fun, casual setting

Keertan’s vision for the world is about accelerating progress through interdisciplinarity. Alongside his work at Coactive AI, he’s studying a dual grad program that spans disciplines. In his freetime, he freestyles as a jazz saxophonist. So, in homage to his interdisciplinary talents, this blog comes fresh from Coactive Studios. We present: Keertan Kini: in Blue.

Keertan, our man, the beat on the street is that you’re one cool cat. You can code, and scat, while wearing a policy hat. How does one achieve a career like that?

Ah, I’m guessing you heard about my saxophone playing… I appreciate the thought but shall we tone the jazz lingo down a little? It’s not aged as well as the music.

Noted. So what’s your story, prior to joining Coactive AI?

In terms of my career path, I was a high schooler growing up in the Chicago area during Obama’s 2008 election campaign. This was a truly formative experience. I helped lobby for critical improvements to school infrastructure, and I spoke with all kinds of voters. For the first time since 1968, my home state of Indiana turned blue, and I realized how interconnected society’s issues are.

I went on to join the first Internet Policy Research Initiative at MIT, which was also undergoing an interdisciplinary awakening. For the first time, this computer science lab was being headed up by a lawyer.

Your Master’s degree certainly embodies this ‘interdisciplinary awakening’. In jazz terms, it’s like you got supervised by Louis Armstrong, Nina Simone, and Dizzy Gillespie at the same time. Why the fusion?

Yeah on paper, my resume looks kinda weird - although those three would be awesome supervisors! My Master’s is in business, public policy, and computer science. This cross-section and collaboration of knowledge is super important for the future. The way those fields interact is a new challenge for humankind, and a big one. Interdisciplinary problems are already affecting society, and we’re only gonna find solutions if the knowledge from those fields is shared.

Keertan leaning against the wall of a building playing his saxophone.

Ah, so you wanna get people together for a jam! Skibiddie-bee-ba-doo-bap! Sorry, that was the jazz talking. What do interdisciplinary issues and solutions look like in practice?

Well, over the past decade, society has experienced more tech-fuelled change. We’re gaining access to cool stuff, but some of it’s problematic. Tech, business, and policy have been operating in silos - not really talking to each other.

Here’s an example: I help out at a think tank called the Special Comparatives Studies Project, which looks at how emerging technologies and AI affect global competition. One piece we’re advocating for is that all military personnel and government leaders need a base level of tech literacy. This understanding is essential for robust governance and international agreements.

Glad to hear the think tank is doing good things, but how about some lovely PR for Coactive AI? Is there anything nice that we’re doing, Keertan? *cough* Fighting algorithmic bias?

Coactive is doing loads! And algorithmic bias is a huge issue. It’s another example of why non-techie decision-makers need to become tech literate. Here’s the problem: just like society has been structured such that particular people can be born on the “wrong” side of physical infrastructure, like a dividing freeway, the same extends to others who are placed on the “wrong” side of bias algorithms. The Coactive team has been working really hard on advancing solutions to this – keep an eye out for our upcoming “Dollar Street” paper. It matters to me that Coactive AI is actively fighting algorithmic bias. Everyone on the team cares; they want to improve society, so the company is making this a priority as part of its mission.

Some say that jazz is America’s greatest cultural export. Is there anything that’s surprised you about the culture at Coactive AI?

I’ve had to leave previous start-ups because the culture was not as advertised. When I first talked to Cody and Will about working here, I made it clear that my top priority was culture. I still remember Cody chuckling in response as he sent me a GitHub link to Coactive’s version-controlled culture document, which voices that exact sentiment. Since joining, it’s been incredibly refreshing to see them walk the talk on that.

Here, there’s no fear about raising personal concerns. For instance, we recently revisited how we’re creating inclusive social opportunities and working patterns for those with young families. People can share their views openly and honestly, knowing they’ll be taken seriously and constructively.

Another cultural bonus at Coactive AI is our ties with the Defense Venture Fellows program. We’ve so far had four military personnel do placements on our team as part of their mid-career pivots. Coactive has built a great reputation with the feeder program because our goal isn’t just to use these folk as employees, it’s to understand their goals and help them to drive their careers forward. This company takes genuine interest in its people. Coactive advocates for you when you’re not in the room. Can you think of how few relationships you might have like that?

If the founders Cody and Will, or anyone else on the team, spots an opportunity for you, they will immediately bring it to you. They’re regularly asking, “how can I help you succeed?” This culture is so intentionally created by the founders that it’s permeating the whole company. I’ve been at Coactive AI over a year now and I still see it in action on a daily basis.

Keertan in the Coactive office, chatting alongside his team members

Can you pick an item from the Coactive Culture doc, and think of an example when you’ve seen it in action at Coactive?

Number two for sure - “we’re not bystanders”. No one on the team shies away from responsibility or accountability, and you can see that from how people behave both internally and how they relate their work to the welfare of wider society. The algorithmic bias project, Coactive’s inclusive hiring policy, the culture of nurturing, these all demonstrate a company that sees its mission as bettering the future for everyone.

Keertan “Bird” Kini, that is a beautiful note to end on. Skibbaddie-boop-bap!

Thanks! And thank you for not mentioning Kenny G. I’m actually impressed.

Culture is our number one product at Coactive AI. We build our teams around collaboration, inclusivity, and daily learning. We’re also the best at what we do, which is revolutionizing how unstructured image data is analyzed. Check out our job openings.